Guest post: Katherine of Corgis and Cocktails

Katherine is one cool babe. And I may be late to the game but thank goodness she left me a comment one fine day or who knows when I would have realized just what I'd been missing out on. She is clever, crafty, well dressed, spunky, eclectic and knows how to make a mean cocktail. I always say...never trust someone who doesn't drink. Curious? I would be. Here, meet her!

Hi, I am Katherine, and I blog over at Of Corgis and Cocktails, and today I'm here to talk of one of my favorite things, cocktails. I'm a big fan of hand crafted drinks and love searching out new recipes and bars across the country. Here are a few tips for you from my experiences.

Cocktails at RYE 
Find What You Like
This one will seem obvious to some. But really, cocktails are a hit or miss. Just because everyone tells you gin and tonics are wonderful does not mean you will personally like them. When you are out and about, try different and new things. Make notes of what you like and dislike. When you get home, you can try to recreate or put a new spin on a drink you tried in a restaurant or bar.

five hundred dollars
Be 'In Stock'
I always have a few alcohols for a party - usually a flavored vodka for martinis, a bourbon or bottle of Jack Daniels (because Jack Daniels is a whiskey, not a bourbon!), rum of some sort, and mixers. I often plan out a few drinks to make before a party so that I am not trying to make 18 different drinks. For example, if I make margaritas, I prepare everything before hand.

The Corgi Cocktail
Crush Ice in a Towel
Don't have one of those fancy refrigerators that crush ice for you? Neither do I! Some drinks need it though - so take normal ice cubes, roll them in a towel, and lightly beat them with a meat hammer or similar item. Voila!

The Corgi Cocktail
Fresh Ingredients
I am a big fan of making my own sour mix over buying store bought. Try making cocktails with fresh fruits in the summer - sangria is a favorite of mine.

Shaking Your Cocktails
A few things here. Never shake things with soda in them - that would be bad. Stir those! Always fill your shake with about 2/3 full of ice - not more, not less, and then add all of the ingredients. Shake for at least 20 seconds, maybe 30 to be safe, then strain.

Las Vegas 2012
I'm a big fan of cocktails (obviously, it's in my blog title!) - I like experimenting with new flavors and liqueurs. You can find an amazing variety of tastes and flavors with cocktails and some of them even can be made into non-alcoholic versions. You can visit my blog for a ton of cocktail recipes over here!