Summer outtakes.

I'm taking a break from the usual sartorial content and catching you up on the "Summer of Olivia and Lola". School starts in the blink of an eye and in that very same babes have grown up to be little girls...with quirky, vibrant personalities.

To be a kid in the summer...frozen yogurt, a gazillion play dates, more parks then I ever knew existed, pool outings, ballet class, the list goes on. I'm so proud of the little people they've become. It's a fun stage with full blown conversations which either leave me confused because I can't keep up with their string of thought or in a fit of giggles because of their honesty.

It's hard to believe that Lola will be turning "2" this Sunday! (Circus themed, natch) And my 3 year old is almost half way to "4".

As much as I love fashion, DIY, travel, events and decor - I felt it important to stop and smell the proverbial roses. To pause and appreciate the little people that inspire me everyday. The force that pushes me to wake up, pour that coffee and start hustlin'. 

It was a great summer. I am so grateful for my little family and the precious time I have with them. Happy Friday...hug your loved ones and soak up the last few sun-drenched days. xo

Links to share:

  1. On raising daughters in today's world...
  2. Blueberry moscow mules. 
  3. 5 women in tech share their best and worst advice ever received.
  4. Leather shorts that won't cost you an arm nor a leg.
  5. 14 styling tricks from IKEA.
  6. oh joy! for Target Fall launched. Time to throw a party.