Posts tagged Ann Taylor
Wednesday loves.

And so it buses, back packs, new teachers and rainy mornings. I quite love the start of a new school year but not for the obvious reasons. I'm a huge fan of a new season. That's why we stay in the Midwest. No one can argue with a Chicago Fall because it's just about the perfect temp and the most stunning colors you've ever experienced. 

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Wardrobe workhorse.

There are certain items in my closet that really serve as the workhorses in my wardrobe. In particular, I get a lot of mileage in the blouse department. Every season I pick out 5-10 new, affordable options that can be paired with both skirts or trousers because versatility is key in a corporate environment. 

My husband works in a true corporate environment which is 100% traditional in every aspect of their dress code. I would never be able to get away with my current work ensembles however, I do class it up when I am meeting with big restaurant groups, etc. Looking the part is the half the battle in my opinion. (except for Friday's which always call for denim)

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