What water are you drinking?

Johanna holding an Astrea One water bottle

Did you guys know that this week is the Center for Disease Control & Prevention’s National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week? To be honest, me neither...up until now. And to that end, how often do you think about the water you’re drinking or better yet, the water that your kids are drinking on the playing field, at school, at grandma and grandpa’s house? It sort of registers but then we get too busy, right?

Johanna drinking from an Astrea One water bottle

Let me introduce you to the astrea ONE filtering water bottle. What is so unique about this product is that it’s the only portable filtered water bottle with a NSF53 certification for lead reduction. Chances are you’re filtering your water at home (via a water pitcher or refrigerator) so you should be doing it on the go because lead can be found in everyday tap water. An NSF53 certified filter ensures lead levels are at or below the EPA established standard safe for consumption.

Johanna holding an Astrea One water bottle

This crazy awesome water bottle has changed the way we drink water on the go. I use it for my kids when sending them off to gymnastics and I use it in the car which is basically my mobile office. You no longer have to worry about your water source because everything is housed within one bottle.

Johanna holding an Astrea One water bottle

nd the feature I love the most is the filter change indicator. I simply spin the dial to my last filter change which reminds me every two months to change out the old for a new filter. All you have to do is fill and enjoy! As you sip through the straw, the water is undergoing filtration with the built-in system. And for bragging rights, this baby keeps water cold for up to 12 hours, too!

The second best feature is the fact that this entire contraption (except the filter) is dishwasher safe. Isn’t it so annoying when you have to pull apart your coffee mugs or bottles and handwash every stinkin’ piece or is it just me? It takes me back to the newborn days and honestly...drinking clean water really should not be that hard. The only caveat is that this product is not made for hot water so please note!

The astrea ONE filtering water bottle comes with one filter and is available at Sur La Table stores and astreawater.com where you can get 20% off by using ASTREA20 from now until November 15. Special note, you can automatically sign up for new filters to be shipped to your house each month for a mere $5. That’s such a nominal fee for peace of mind.

So guys...next time you pick up another pack of waters, think about how much money your spending, think about what all that plastic is doing for the environment and know that your bases are covered in one handy product. The astrea ONE bottle. More importantly, be confident that your children are drinking the real deal and chemical free!

Disclosure: I was financially compensated for this post. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.